
Tips to Protect your Home in the Darker Evenings

With the cold weather creeping in and the days getting shorter, winter is going to hit with a bang when the clocks go back on October 29th.

We know when the clocks go back, burglaries tend to rise in Ireland by at least 30%. The last three months and the first three months of the year always see the highest number of break-ins, as burglars prefer to work under the cover of darkness. With this in mind, we want all HomeSecure customers to stay extra vigilant. So we have compiled 10 home security tips to help you stay secure this winter.

home security tips
  1. Always set your alarm whether you’re at home or away
  2. Unsure whether your set your alarm? Check the status of your alarm on your HomeSecure App
  3. Keep your doors and windows (including upstairs) locked at all times
  4. Leave a light on, and use timer switches or a smart plug when you’re away 
  5. Keep your Radio on to make the house seem occupied
  6. Move your keys away from letterboxes to prevent “fishing”
  7. Record details of valuables, particularly coming up to Christmas
  8. Do not keep large amounts of cash in the house and keep jewellery locked away
  9. Keep ladders and tools locked safely away to prevent burglars from using them
  10. Never leave a key out under a mat or flowerpot

The Gardaí recently revealed the most common time for break-ins in the winter months is 5pm – 10pm. 34% of burglars don’t technically “break in” at all; they simply walk in through an unlocked front door. Another 22% get in through an unlocked window. With that in mind, making sure your doors and windows stay locked is a very simple way to help protect your home from burglars. That’s why it’s vital that you set your alarm even when you’re home. If you do forget to lock your doors or windows at night, once your security system is set, it will activate if someone even attempts to enter your home.

HomeSecure customers must remain vigilant, you’ve already taken the first step in securing your home with your monitored alarm system, but don’t become complacent or allow your home to become a target. If you would like extra security coming into the winter months, HomeSecure offer panic buttons and cameras, simply call 01 495 7070.

If you are looking to secure your home this winter with a monitored alarm system call 01 920 3787 or visit Quote builder (

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